
I have a 7th gen iPad. The game crashes when I talk to townspeople. The problem is that it’s random. I can NEVER talk to Pierre or Caroline. It immediately crashes. But the townspeople it depends on the day. One day I can talk to Lewis the next day i try and it crashes. And it happens with ALL the townspeople. Randomly. Very annoying.
Type of phone: Ipad Air 2021
Details of your issue: When fishing, "reeling" noise doesn't go away, only after terminating game and restarting.
Screenshots/video: none
Issue encountered after waking up and fishing
I have had this issue as well. Does the gift show up when the issue happens for you?


Type of phone: Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G
Details of your issue: When I enable Hide Camera Cutout the scaling is incorrect where the title screen feels narrower and the game overall has black bars on the north of the screen when changing screen orientation as shown in the pictures
Screenshots/video: 2 screenshots with the black bars below
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? Load Game
Any other info that might be relevant: The game scales fine when the camera cutout setting is Automatic or Show Camera Cutout
Type of phone: iPhone 13 Pro Max
Details of your issue: When I tried to move my horse, it didn’t locate properly. For some reasons, the image show the horse located at least two floor behind the selected position.

On the day of your issue, I load my game normally. It was the day after I woke up and went to move my horse, but it shows like that.


Type of phone: iPhone 13 Pro Max
Details of your issue: When I tried to move my horse, it didn’t locate properly. For some reasons, the image show the horse located at least two floor behind the selected position.
Screenshots/video: View attachment 14884
On the day of your issue, I load my game normally. It was the day after I woke up and went to move my horse, but it shows like that.
I’m having the same issue but it happens as soon as I paint the stable, I can see it move up behind the paint dialog window and it happens as soon as I move a color slider. I have to destroy the stable or reload the day, and lose my progress, in order for it to go back. Canceling the dialog doesn’t fix the issue. The placement squares stay in the same place, but the stable graphic moves up 2 squares. I attached two photos for reference.

5th gen iPad iOS 16.3

*EDIT* I found that if I set the stable color back to default, the graphic returns to normal. Unfortunately I cannot paint the stable without this graphical glitch.


Last edited:


Type of phone: iphone 12 pro max
Details of your issue: game is preventing auto lock
Screenshots/video: N/A
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? Normal load
Any other info that might be relevant:


Type of phone: iPhone XR
Details of your issue: everytime I open the game and click on load, the app keeps on closing. Issue is recurring within today only
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)?: sometimes during loading game menu or sometimes in the middle of the game
Any other info that might be relevant:


Type of phone: iPad Pro 3rd gen

Issue: In a Sebastian cut scene, in his room, I walk in and the cutscene begins where Sebastian and Sam are playing the Solarion card game, I have the option to chose which character I play, I chose a Wizard, and then later in the cutscene there’s another question but I can’t answer any option, it doesn’t let me click; the game just freezes but I can still hear the music of the game. I’ve reset the day 4-5 times now but the same thing always happens.
On the day of the issue I woke up in bed
The photograph is of the part where the game gets stuck.

Thank you



7th gen iPad
Twice now my game has skipped days. I go to bed on a Friday and when I go to play again it’s skipped 2 days!


Platform: Ipad Air 2021
Version: 1.5 IOS

When watching Sebastians 6-heart event, the game remains stuck in the selection "The tower lies before you", softlocking the day and requiring a reset of the day. Very unfortunate.

This happened in another selection screen too, after walking to the bulletin board in the community center, making the character unable to move and softlocking the day because the clock stood still. Trying the spot where the x would be didn't fix it.


Platform: Android
Version: 1.5

The recipe for crabpots is now missing from my crafting list. I am level 5 fishing and have been above level 3 for over a full season at this point.


Platform: Android
Version 1.5

Purple shorts bug

After I used the purple shorts at the Luau, they ended up in my inventory again. Next year, I tried to put them in the display at the Fall fair, but the item disappeared completely when I did so.


Playing on an amazon tablet, since the update I've noticed that I can't click on anything in the bottom left corner of my screen. It's not a problem with my tablet either as I've rotated it so I'm tapping different parts of my screen. It does appear to be an in game sensitivity issue.
Mainly noticed it because I am trying to talk to Robin to move buildings around on my farm but am unable to get into her shop menu because it's in the section of the game that I can't tap on things :'(


Type of phone: iPhone 11 (iOS 16)
Bug: I have a Kishi controller that I attach to my iOS. When I try to move down/up through the toolbar using L2 and R2, it doesn’t page
(ie: the toolbar doesn’t go down to the next set of items - it seems to wrap around + sticks). L1 and R1 appears to work properly now between builds 36 and 37.

I've attached a video of what it looks like when I hold down R2 (then L2). Note that it starts from an arbitrary point in the *middle* of the toolbar instead of the top or bottom as it should when scrolling through.



I’ve noticed the game freezes when I close the bulletin board in the community center and I have to restart the day completely.

Loading from the regular menu, not an emergency save, playing on an iPad 10th gen.
Type of phone: iPhone 14 Pro

Details of your issue: when painting the horse stable (whether it’s the building, roof, or trim) the stable raises up a few feet and is hovering. When you take the paint off, it sits correctly.

Screenshots/video: *attached screenshots of recording*

On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)?
Any other info that might be relevant:
my game loaded in like normal, and I woke up in my bed. The game saves even with the the stable glitching.


Device- iOS 15.4.1
Updated game- 1.5.6 37
Problem- Issue with the profession chooser showing up every time i go to sleep. Asking me to choose a level 10 farming profession even though I choose one every time. I always wake up in bed. Also the statue of uncertainty won’t show the farming skill option to change.

