Ollas in Early Game


Hello ConcernedApe,

I've been a Stardew Valley lover for a long time now since 2016. I made an account here today just to tell you about this.

I came across something interesting today. I love gardening IRL and my youtube algorithm suggested a video to me about Olla, which are an ancient technology using a narrow necked terracotta pot with a cap. The pot is submerged in soil nearby plants, filled with water, capped, and left to naturally leach water through the porous clay pot and to the roots in a short radius around the pot. It keeps one from having to water their plants every day as a primitive partial irrigation system.

I don't know much about game making, but I've noticed that in early-game, watering takes away from much of the morning time, which is a good time for beginner players to forage and chop wood or fish/interact with NPCs, etc..
I was thinking that one could buy Olla pots from Pierre's for a small price, but they would water once every other day or something. One would just need to water the olla once a week or so and maybe the recipe for them could be provided by a community center bundle or at Pierre's. Then you could make them from clay. You could probably think of a cool way to use it and open up more time for early game players that might not like watering large crops and don't like basic sprinklers.

Here's the first video I found: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOQayuNOk74
Some more information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olla

Hope you're doing well, and thank you for creating this wonderful, accessible experience to the world.