Iridium Bar?


upgrade your tools and craft sprinklers / other things that require an iridium bar.

very helpful note: Krobus sells one iridium sprinkler every friday for $10,000, but you need to have the sewers unlocked to get it!

Bark Ruffalo

My priority
  1. Sprinklers
  2. Iridium Band
  3. Tools (Watering Can, Pickaxe, Axe, Hoe)
I have the Galaxy Sword and all irradium tools except for the hoe (I am not a major cropper) so my tool inventory is PURRRRRRRRRRPLEEE and highly effective I might add-a tree goes down in two strikes


Tools first and foremost, then probably chrystalariums because you can buy the sprinklers from Krobus on Friday's for 10,000 :g:


I'd save it personally, and try and acquire more iridium to upgrade my tools.
Definitely agree. I used a lot of iridium bars for sprinklers but then I was able to purchase the sprinklers and I focused on tool upgrades - made life way easier after everything was fully upgraded (don’t forget your trash can!)