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Local Legend
AI for silly funsies is a waste of energy. ChatGPT uses up so much processing power and so much electricity for... well... goofing off? Do you wander around your house leaving all the lights on for laughs? Probably not because you see the energy cost in the form of the bill for that one.

Honestly, I'm tired of people using AI for things that are inconsequential (and when used for many other things too, I should add but don't want to go listing them off because I don't want to imply you are doing any of those things) rather than for things that would improve the lives of people in a tangible way.


Local Legend
AI for silly funsies is a waste of energy. ChatGPT uses up so much processing power and so much electricity for... well... goofing off? Do you wander around your house leaving all the lights on for laughs? Probably not because you see the energy cost in the form of the bill for that one.

Honestly, I'm tired of people using AI for things that are inconsequential (and when used for many other things too, I should add but don't want to go listing them off because I don't want to imply you are doing any of those things) rather than for things that would improve the lives of people in a tangible way.
Honestly I think that's a rather pessimistic way of looking at things. Everything we do is in some pursuit of happiness or to feel fulfilled in some way, and just being able to enjoy oneself and goof off is absolutely fine, no need to spend every waking minute and unit of energy on progressing the world.

Let people explore and create for themselves, perhaps the new experience may give them newfound interest in a subject that could lead to a job or to find a hobby they wish to pursue, what if wasting that time and energy leads to them being more productive? We all deserve our breaks, even in unconventional context.

Hey and at least they're doing something other than mindlessly consuming content, there are far worse ways to spend your time