I hope this doesn’t go against forum rules but…I’ve received some unfortunate news just today.


I need believers in God of all faiths and those who do not as well to offer thoughts and prayers for me as I have just found out I have stage two invasive breast cancer. This community has really been a nice place to hang out and is filled with some wonderful persons. Plus we all love the same game that will be helping me get through a lot of down time in the days to come. So please pray for me and if you do not have a faith please think of me, my husband and our family during the difficult days to come. I know religion is not allowed to be discussed here but I thought this was written inclusive of all persons. If I broke forum rule please take this down thank you,


I need believers in God of all faiths and those who do not as well to offer thoughts and prayers for me as I have just found out I have stage two invasive breast cancer. This community has really been a nice place to hang out and is filled with some wonderful persons. Plus we all love the same game that will be helping me get through a lot of down time in the days to come. So please pray for me and if you do not have a faith please think of me, my husband and our family during the difficult days to come. I know religion is not allowed to be discussed here but I thought this was written inclusive of all persons. If I broke forum rule please take this down thank you,
that really sucks, get better soon, I will be praying for you, things will get better soon,


I need believers in God of all faiths and those who do not as well to offer thoughts and prayers for me as I have just found out I have stage two invasive breast cancer. This community has really been a nice place to hang out and is filled with some wonderful persons. Plus we all love the same game that will be helping me get through a lot of down time in the days to come. So please pray for me and if you do not have a faith please think of me, my husband and our family during the difficult days to come. I know religion is not allowed to be discussed here but I thought this was written inclusive of all persons. If I broke forum rule please take this down thank you,
hey by the way, apparently (i heard from heather of the Tim Hawkins podcast who had the same cancer i believe) eating an entire lemon (even the rind) helps get rid of cancer and stuff, among other things


I wish you the best! Stay strong and above all, remain cheerful, optimistic, with will and energy for life at all times! Maintaining a bold stance, healthy viewpoint and expansive perspective on life, is key for both survival and getting better when ailing!

Other than faith and psychology though, a cat could prove to be good influence on you, too... Mine for instance, always tries to soothe me, attempts to please me and even does funny things resembling of nurse's care, whenever i am ill (such as laying upon parts of my body that feel pain and resting there motionless all night long, giving me back massages when i ache, petting me when i am having a fever etc). Plus, it is rumored their purring evokes healing vibes :3


Local Legend
So I am officially in remission from cancer for 5 years and as far as can be seen cancer free! Thank God! Thank you also for your thoughts and prayers for me they mean so much! 🫶
I don't often browse the off topic section of the forum so sorry for the late reply, but I wanted to say that my heart goes out to you in your recovery (and in staying well), I hope everything is easy on you and your family in the meantime.


As an atheist, i also wish you the best, even afterwards, as there's always a risk for it to return, so even if it doesn't, still wish you the best.
My mother's not beating it, unfortunately, so i feel the pain of losing someone from it.

Good luck, and never wait long when something's not right with your body(my mom failed at this).


dont worry
no matter how far you fall god will always catch you
try not to worry about it, it just makes the experience worse
cancer sucks though ill be praying for you
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Lew Zealand

So I am officially in remission from cancer for 5 years and as far as can be seen cancer free! Thank God! Thank you also for your thoughts and prayers for me they mean so much! 🫶
How did I miss this??!? Congratulations on the bestest of news!

I hope this year has been a big improvement from the previous one, that's just about the best New Year's gift I could imagine!

:heart: :heart: :heart: