Get hay cheap and easy !


The fishing game at the fair is the best way to get hay for cheap ! Marnie sells 1 hay for 50 gold . Here i can get 100 hay for 500 stars. The fishing game is only 50 gold per play. I've only played 3 times and have 1200 stars. Which equals out to 200 hay for 100 gold. 😊😊😊😊 . I'm gonna be here awhile to stock up since I'm always running out of hay !!



Are you sure you can get more than the 100? I think the random article is limited to buying it once. And it's random, next year it might not be hay.


Local Legend
What @Ereo said. There's only a 1 in 5 chance of hay being available, and there's only 100 hay. Statistically you'll get hay every 5 years, and 100 hay for 5 years... is not a lot of hay.

Cheap hay is achieved by having wide swathes of area with grass growing. Occasionally punch holes in it with your scythe to collect some hay, give it a bit until it's filled back in, repeat all year long... and then at the end of fall chop all of it down until your silos are full.