Before anything else, please keep in mind that this is a busy time of year and mod authors have their own lives. Please be patient with them and everyone else trying to help, and if you have a lot of mod problems consider checking out the huge update on its own before diving back into modding :) There's a lot to see, and I cannot count the number of times people who have used x mod for 3 years do not realize some vanilla feature obsoleted it two major updates ago.
This is just a running list of things people keep running into and common fixes, both for people wanting to take a stab at updating for personal use, and for authors trying to figure out why their mod is broken. Please approach the author before releasing any unofficial updates in public unless they have explicit open permission. Even then, I'm sure they'd appreciate a heads up! (Slightly edited August 2021 for relevance.)
Invisible special orders board:
Most likely caused by either a recolor whose seasonal town tilesheets need updating, or a town map replacer that changes the order of the vanilla tilesheets.
To fix #1: temporarily disable the recolor, the patches for those tilesheets, or update the mod either by adding in the missing board to all 4 sheets with an image editor (easy) or splitting up the edits into coordinates to go around the empty area (tedious)
To fix #2: Edit the map and prefix any tilesheets that aren't on the original map with the letter z. More information at the bottom of this post.
SMAPI won't load your farm map:
Most likely caused by a farm map that changes the order of the vanilla tilesheets, but could also be an unprefixed TMXL buildable or another non-Content Patcher mod that edits the farm map. Changing the order of the vanilla tilesheets for the farm map can cause a crash when approaching the greenhouse, so SMAPI will not load a map it detects doing this.
To fix: Edit the map and prefix any tilesheets that aren't on the original map with the letter z, and make sure the original tilesheets still have the same names and orders. More information at the bottom of this post.
Invisible beds (or other furniture)
Most likely caused by a furniture recolor that is not updated for the new content.
To fix: If the recolor normally changes everything on the furniture tilesheet, the new content will need to be added to their sheet. If they don't need to edit everything in that file, it should be updated to be more selective in its edits using Content Patcher's EditImage.
Can't move bed (may have multiple beds)
Most likely caused by a farmhouse map replacer that has a built-in bed instead of using the tile property added in 1.5.
To fix: Open the map in Tiled and erase the bed tiles from it. (Buildings and Front).
Invisible phone, other new craftables
Similar to beds, most likely caused by a recolor of the craftables sheet which is not updated for new content.
To fix: If the recolor normally changes everything on the craftables tilesheet, the new content will need to be added to their sheet. If they don't need to edit everything in that file (and optionally even if they do, if they want to future-proof), it should be updated to be more selective in its edits using Content Patcher's EditImage. Here's an example of a mod that Loads the entire craftables sheet to edit only the scarecrows, vs the fixed version that uses EditImage, so you can see the difference in their content.jsons.
JSON Assets Red Wall of Death:
Most likely caused by a pack that adds an item of the same name as something in vanilla, or multiple packs that use the same name as something in another.
To fix: read the SMAPI log carefully to find the duplicate key errors. If you have issues with PPJA, completely remove the folders and redownload it. Bonster's Crops adds Taro Root, so you'll need to remove the Taro Root folders from both the Crops and Objects folders inside Bonster's pack. Similarly, when two packs conflict with one another you can either wait for an update or try to remove one of them yourself. Just make sure to also remove any recipes that depend on them.
(Remember not to report issues caused by editing a mod, to the mod author :D )
Duck sprites glitch when swimming (or dinos when sleeping):
Probably caused by an animal sprite replacer. Check out the update impact assessment to see a list of spritesheets that could have issues.
To fix: If the replacer is just a straight recolor that doesn't change the shape of the animals at all, you can open up the mod's content.json and replace "Action": "Load" with "Action": "EditImage", "PatchMode": "Overlay". To update the mod you'd want to get the new versions of the spritesheets and merge them together with an image editor, or else edit the mod's content.json to only edit part of the spritesheet via Content Patcher's EditImage.
(Remember not to report issues caused by editing a mod, to the mod author :D )
How to edit maps to prefix tilesheets:
Option 1: If the map is a .tmx file, it's very simple! You can open it directly in your text editor and CTRL-F "tileset firstgid" to see where the tilesets are defined. The town map should have tilesheets named Landscape, Paths, and Town. The farm maps should have Paths and untitled tile sheet, with the new beach farm having an additional untitled tile sheet2. Any other tilesheets defined need to have their names (not source images) prefixed with z. For example:
<tileset firstgid="1" name="GreenhouseTilesheet" tilewidth="16" tileheight="16" tilecount="70" columns="7"> <image source="GreenhouseTilesheet.png" width="112" height="160"/>
needs to be changed to
<tileset firstgid="1" name="zGreenhouseTilesheet" tilewidth="16" tileheight="16" tilecount="70" columns="7"> <image source="GreenhouseTilesheet.png" width="112" height="160"/>
This map is from a buildable that could crash if you built it on your farm map and approached the greenhouse. (Notice how the name field is edited to add a single letter, but the image source and everything else stays the same.) Just save in your text editor and try loading the game again!
Option 2: See Using Tiled for getting set up with the map editor. You'll need to unpack the vanilla game files, then add the tbin file you want to edit + any tilesheets it requires into your unpacked Maps folder in order to open it without errors.
Once you've got it open correctly, on the bottom right should be a tilesheet pane with all the tilesheets shown in it. Find the tilesheet that needs to be prefixed (Beach for a town map, for example, or mycooltilesheet234092) and click the little wrench under the pane to edit that tilesheet. It should open a tab like this
In the highlighted Name field, click the tilesheet name and edit it to add the z in front. Save the tilesheet, then save the map and see if the problem is fixed.
Should no longer happen:
Crash when approaching greenhouse:
Most likely caused by a farm map that changes the order of the vanilla tilesheets, but could also be an unprefixed TMXL buildable or another non-Content Patcher mod that edits the farm map, or Entoarox Modding Utilities.
To fix: Try to isolate the cause by using fewer mods until you can find what's crashing. Edit the map file that comes with the mod and prefix any additional tilesheets with the letter z. More information at bottom of post. Try temporarily disabling EMU until it is updated.
This is just a running list of things people keep running into and common fixes, both for people wanting to take a stab at updating for personal use, and for authors trying to figure out why their mod is broken. Please approach the author before releasing any unofficial updates in public unless they have explicit open permission. Even then, I'm sure they'd appreciate a heads up! (Slightly edited August 2021 for relevance.)
Invisible special orders board:
Most likely caused by either a recolor whose seasonal town tilesheets need updating, or a town map replacer that changes the order of the vanilla tilesheets.
To fix #1: temporarily disable the recolor, the patches for those tilesheets, or update the mod either by adding in the missing board to all 4 sheets with an image editor (easy) or splitting up the edits into coordinates to go around the empty area (tedious)
To fix #2: Edit the map and prefix any tilesheets that aren't on the original map with the letter z. More information at the bottom of this post.
SMAPI won't load your farm map:
Most likely caused by a farm map that changes the order of the vanilla tilesheets, but could also be an unprefixed TMXL buildable or another non-Content Patcher mod that edits the farm map. Changing the order of the vanilla tilesheets for the farm map can cause a crash when approaching the greenhouse, so SMAPI will not load a map it detects doing this.
To fix: Edit the map and prefix any tilesheets that aren't on the original map with the letter z, and make sure the original tilesheets still have the same names and orders. More information at the bottom of this post.
Invisible beds (or other furniture)
Most likely caused by a furniture recolor that is not updated for the new content.
To fix: If the recolor normally changes everything on the furniture tilesheet, the new content will need to be added to their sheet. If they don't need to edit everything in that file, it should be updated to be more selective in its edits using Content Patcher's EditImage.
Can't move bed (may have multiple beds)
Most likely caused by a farmhouse map replacer that has a built-in bed instead of using the tile property added in 1.5.
To fix: Open the map in Tiled and erase the bed tiles from it. (Buildings and Front).
Invisible phone, other new craftables
Similar to beds, most likely caused by a recolor of the craftables sheet which is not updated for new content.
To fix: If the recolor normally changes everything on the craftables tilesheet, the new content will need to be added to their sheet. If they don't need to edit everything in that file (and optionally even if they do, if they want to future-proof), it should be updated to be more selective in its edits using Content Patcher's EditImage. Here's an example of a mod that Loads the entire craftables sheet to edit only the scarecrows, vs the fixed version that uses EditImage, so you can see the difference in their content.jsons.
JSON Assets Red Wall of Death:
Most likely caused by a pack that adds an item of the same name as something in vanilla, or multiple packs that use the same name as something in another.
To fix: read the SMAPI log carefully to find the duplicate key errors. If you have issues with PPJA, completely remove the folders and redownload it. Bonster's Crops adds Taro Root, so you'll need to remove the Taro Root folders from both the Crops and Objects folders inside Bonster's pack. Similarly, when two packs conflict with one another you can either wait for an update or try to remove one of them yourself. Just make sure to also remove any recipes that depend on them.
(Remember not to report issues caused by editing a mod, to the mod author :D )
Duck sprites glitch when swimming (or dinos when sleeping):
Probably caused by an animal sprite replacer. Check out the update impact assessment to see a list of spritesheets that could have issues.
To fix: If the replacer is just a straight recolor that doesn't change the shape of the animals at all, you can open up the mod's content.json and replace "Action": "Load" with "Action": "EditImage", "PatchMode": "Overlay". To update the mod you'd want to get the new versions of the spritesheets and merge them together with an image editor, or else edit the mod's content.json to only edit part of the spritesheet via Content Patcher's EditImage.
(Remember not to report issues caused by editing a mod, to the mod author :D )
How to edit maps to prefix tilesheets:
Option 1: If the map is a .tmx file, it's very simple! You can open it directly in your text editor and CTRL-F "tileset firstgid" to see where the tilesets are defined. The town map should have tilesheets named Landscape, Paths, and Town. The farm maps should have Paths and untitled tile sheet, with the new beach farm having an additional untitled tile sheet2. Any other tilesheets defined need to have their names (not source images) prefixed with z. For example:
<tileset firstgid="1" name="GreenhouseTilesheet" tilewidth="16" tileheight="16" tilecount="70" columns="7"> <image source="GreenhouseTilesheet.png" width="112" height="160"/>
needs to be changed to
<tileset firstgid="1" name="zGreenhouseTilesheet" tilewidth="16" tileheight="16" tilecount="70" columns="7"> <image source="GreenhouseTilesheet.png" width="112" height="160"/>
This map is from a buildable that could crash if you built it on your farm map and approached the greenhouse. (Notice how the name field is edited to add a single letter, but the image source and everything else stays the same.) Just save in your text editor and try loading the game again!
Option 2: See Using Tiled for getting set up with the map editor. You'll need to unpack the vanilla game files, then add the tbin file you want to edit + any tilesheets it requires into your unpacked Maps folder in order to open it without errors.
Once you've got it open correctly, on the bottom right should be a tilesheet pane with all the tilesheets shown in it. Find the tilesheet that needs to be prefixed (Beach for a town map, for example, or mycooltilesheet234092) and click the little wrench under the pane to edit that tilesheet. It should open a tab like this
In the highlighted Name field, click the tilesheet name and edit it to add the z in front. Save the tilesheet, then save the map and see if the problem is fixed.
Should no longer happen:
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