Anti-fishing Rod


New fishing rod, available from Mr Qi's Walnut Room (aiming this at being an end-game convenience item). Works exactly like the Iridium Rod, but has an extra slot. You place a fish in the slot. Now whenever you use the rod, it repels that particular type of fish, so you never get that type while fishing.

Useful for: better odds of catching the fish you want, ruling out a common fish if you want to catch something rarer, or avoiding that really-annoying-to-catch fish if you just like trawling for treasure (like me :wink: ).

Lew Zealand

OK I need this but may need multiple slots to reject a wide array of potential biters. I need to exclude the Chub, Bullhead, Largemouth Bass, Sturgeon, and Rainbow Trout. A relaxing day under a Tree next to the Mountain Lake should never be bothered by anything as excitable as a darting Fish. First off, that upsets the Frogs and second off, it knocks my carefully propped Fishing Pole from my knees.

What I need is to occasionally catch a Fish but that Fish also take it easy enough that the pole stays propped and remain peacefully slumbering. I do not ask much from the universe, the smallest of concessions. Later on I'll make Sashimi from it (Robin lets me borrow her kitchen, she so proud of it) whilst smelling distinctly of frogs. For no specific purpose whatsoever...
Shouldn't this better be a special bobber or tackle that is "charged" somewhere - perhaps at the mermaid? Similar to what is done with rings in the volcano forge.
Each charge acts like a banishment for a special fish type.
Maybe alternatively the Wizard could also show a way to the Merpeople he refers to at the Luau and these "charge" the bobber.
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Shouldn't this better be a special bobber or tackle that is "charged" somewhere - perhaps at the mermaid? Similar to what is done with rings in the volcano forge.
Each charge acts like a banishment for a special fish type.
Maybe alternatively the Wizard could also show a way to the Merpeople he refers to at the Luau and these "charge" the bobber.
Having it as a rod lets you keep all functionality of bobbers, bait and enchants, and you can swap out the fish any time. I'm all for more Wizard content, though. :smile:


What if we only want to catch seaweed?
Possibly technically you'd have a better chance of seaweed if you repel the most common fish for wherever you are? I guess it would depend how it would be coded - eg: would it reroll your catch if you would have got the repelled fish, or would the repelled fish be completely removed from possible captures and it's odds spread equally between all other results? Or maybe something else, I don't have any coding knowledge other than the odd bit I've picked up watching speedruns explained videos. :laugh: