Windows [1.6.9] Uninstall keg while fruits are selected


In 1.6.9, I have kegs, fruits in hand, I fill up the kegs but sometimes it does the pickaxe sound and I uninstall the keg. I asked for nothing, only held right click.

Being able to uninstall a keg while I have fruits in hands is not what I want. I do not understand why I can even get that pick axe sound and uninstall keg functionality when my hands are either empty or when some fruits are selected.

I have to maintain right click because it is a very repetitive task when I have 100+ kegs. Sometimes, I will have fruits selected and the stack will get emptied because I filled the kegs. It does not mean that, because I have nothing selected, I want to uninstall a keg. Being able to uninstall with nothing in the hands is not helpful to me.


There is a shed with many kegs and a stack of cranberries in the chest near the fish smokers. Before I filled the kegs, I made 16 more at the workbench after harvesting the oak resin.
It only happened 2 or 3 times over the numerous kegs, but it is still annoying to uninstall things. Maybe I filled the keg before uninstalling it and I lost the fruit ?


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I play on mouse keyboard. Maybe maintaining both right and left click at the same time helps triggering the undesired behaviour.

I filled more kegs and it did not happen, so it must have something to do with how kegs are setup and how fast some kind of refilling cooldown comes to an end.
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It might also have something to do with the speed buffs. I usually eat a crab cake and drink triple expresso(possibly with a speed boost blessing). Maybe the collision engine gets messed up with higer speed and I end up being inside the keg, triggering the ability to uninstall it bc i am theorically stuck.
Another maybe connected thought : When the player moves in diagonal, is the distance reduced ? Players should move horizontaly and vertically by square root of 2 divided by 2 if the angle is 45° - Could that lead to the collision engine to have issues ?
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It did not even happen again even though I have refilled many kegs several times.
It could happen with some specific angle, speed, pixel. I know that in the mines I went through a few rocks, but it did not happen again either. It has to have something to do with collisions.