Who is the best spouse?


I've heard alot of people complaining about how when you get married all your spouse does is lounge around and doesn't help you at all. Is this true for all spouses regardless of person/gender?


It's hands-down gotta be Abigail. She has the most interesting story and has a wonderful attitude.

Magically Clueless

Staff member
I don't really think all of them lay around/get lazy, but they do stay home more often and have specific days they go out. i've personally never agreed with these complaints, however it is worth noting that my favorite spouse is kind of a homebody anyway so it fits his character pretty well. at the end of the day though, i think the best spouse is down to preference


Actually, even though Abby doesn’t help you in the mines, after seeing her 10 heart event, I think you can see her on a certain level of the mines! Not sure though...