How to calculate how many hops you need for pale ale for the entire year


Quick guide here, I will not take into account the growth of the amount of kegs you have or hops you have in the greenhouse or pots, that is a whole other set of worms. First of all, you need to know how many kegs you need to use for the operation, Let us start with one. there are 112 days between the start of harvesting and the restarting of harvesting the next year. since we are using base growth time,we have 17 days of harvest, 17 times 1.5, you have got 25.5 days for processing that entire batch of produce since one hop takes 1.5 days to process into a pale ale. depending on how many kegs you have, the number of hop crops you need will also change. One hop crop means one keg. you have around 4 processong sessions for the entire year, so just take the amount of hop crops for 1 session, in this case, 1. that would mean, if you only plan on having 1 keg for pale ale, you would need 4 hop crops for the entire year. in this case, I would say plant a bit extra because the calculation of 4 processing periods is an estimate and the actual number is above 4. please correct me if some, if not all of my math was wrong.
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