How did you find out about Stardew valley?


I discovered it mostly because I used to play alot of Harvest Moon games. I needed a new similar game and Stardew popped up as a recommended. (: It was between Stardew and Rune Factory and I picked Stardew ^_^


I was looking for new games for my Nintendo Switch! I saw that both Undertale and Stardew Valley were on sale, so I bought both of them with an EShop gift card I had. I didn’t know much about the game then, but it looked cool. It’s a good thing I played Undertale first, or I might have never moved on from Stardew! After finishing Undertale, I moved to Stardew and fell in love with the game and Penny!


I'm a UW alumna and was reading "Columns," the UW alumni magazine. An article about recent graduates' accomplishments mentioned Eric, from my hometown, who had recently graduated and who had created Stardew Valley. The description of the game sounded intriguing and I wanted to support a fellow alumnus and fellow Tacoman, so I bought it. I've been playing it about once a year since then - every now and then I just get the urge. It's a perfect game and has kind of ruined all other PC games for me. :smile: Since then, Eric took the game to Steam and I continued on Steam.

I'm on my 5th game, 282 hours in. All together, I've logged 1,079 hours. I think I may be nearing the end of this particular game since I don't have a lot left to do except accumulate money and go to the movies. On the other hand, I just like doing things like foraging, fishing, and farming, so who needs a goal? :laugh:


I can't remember how I heard about it, might have been from friends years ago.

I picked it up again when everyone was playing Animal Crossing but I couldn't afford it lmao
Not long after the game came out I was trapped New York state due to an unfortunate series of events, after a long while I was drastically homesick, so I tried to look for a book or movie or anything that would take me back home, that's how I stumbled upon Stardew Valley, I remember watching the trailer and how it made me tear up, I bought it and played it immediately.


So I recently got a switch online subscription and checked out multiplayer games/top switch games. Turns out Stardew Valley was on the list. Saw a video of the gameplay and the inner Harvest moon fan in me wanted to get the game at any cost. It is addictive af.


There was a post on reddit maybe about two years ago; something along the lines of "What game has the most wholesome community". Something like that. Stardew was one of the comments higher up. Hadn't heard of it, so I looked it up. It's not even like I was actively searching for something wholesome. I play Alien: Isolation in my downtime.


Probably about once a year I REALLY want to play Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town again, but I was wondering if there were any similar games coming out and I heard of Stardew Valley that way. I kept loose tabs on it since it was close to release, and then a streamer I really liked started playing it. I distinctly remember how wowed I was by the graphics, like how the trees fell onto the ground, it looked so clean and fun. Instant buy after that. Thank god it was spring break for me when i got it because i... i did not sleep

I have 864 hours on steam, maybe about 80 on PS4 and i just started on switch
Same right down to wanting to play the exact same harvest moon game XD


How did you find out about the game? I found out because of a YouTuber that played the game. (Looking back then, I barely knew anything about the game!) Bonus question: How many hours do have on the game? (340 for me)
I was watching a video about the evolution of Animal Crossing, they mentioned the game for about 30 seconds, I looked it up on the internet and since then I have not stopped playing

(I have been playing for more than 30 hours)


I watched the Zero Punctuation review, looked it up on Steam, happened to be on sale at the time, picked it up. Probably the best impulse game purchase I've ever made.


My grown daughters bugged me about it. "You'll love it! It's so relaxing!." So, when it looked like COVID-19 was going to make things difficult, I downloaded it on my iPhone. 300+ hours in I got the movie theater created, was married to Elliot with two kids. I'm still working on that farm, but I started another one on my iPad, married to Harvey with one son (maybe... 200 hours?), and one on Steam on my Mac (about 140 hours) where I have married and divorced Elliot and am currently looking over the other singles. I'm waiting for my Switch to arrive so that my daughters and I can create a multiplayer game. I've completed the Community Center in all of them.

Yeah, I'm hooked. All of this since very early February!


Chaya, you make me feel so much better--it's nice to know that I'm not the only one with lots of hours logged on the game (Steam tells me it's 691 hours as of today).

I can't remember exactly where I ran across it, but I remember that it was an article about calm games that were low-stress, and I liked the description and screenshots, though I felt a little silly being interested in a game that seemed to be focused on an idealized version of real life. I finally decided to get it about 2 years ago and now I love it entirely too much. I'll take breaks of a month or two, but then come back again and play obsessively.