Stuff Not on Mobile


I'm doing my first time through this game and it is awesome. As I'm sure a lot of people do, I rely on the Stardew Valley Wiki to help me out. Recently I've noticed some references to things that aren't on mobile. Seems there is a lot of discussion about an update 1.5 that isn't available yet.
My question: What isn't on mobile? Looks like there is an island I can't get to, and a boat in Willy's hut. Plus a big jobs board, and a bunch of stuff with Mr Qi in the Skull Caverns.
So on the Wiki, if you're looking in the bottom under "History", anything that says or references 1.5 isn't on Mobile yet. As an example:

On Mobile, since it's not 1.5, chests can't be moved by repeatedly hitting them with an empty hand (I honestly just learned that was a thing). Also, I expect the Duplication Glitch still exists, since it was fixed in 1.5. Anything which references an Island you can travel to is 1.5, and anything involving Qi Gems or Radioactive Isotopes is 1.5. The Special Orders board, and everything which comes off of that, is also 1.5. I hope that helps!


The Version History page on the wiki has the changelogs for all the versions, so you can read through what was added in 1.5 and later. (Spoilers, obviously, but I assume you're fine with that since you asked the question.)