Issue PPJA and The Love of Cooking SMAPI Warnings


EDIT: Figured it out! If anyone else was wondering: "Required" mods (like PFM, MFM, etc) don't support DGA. So if your DGA mod requires PFM to work, PFM won't recognize the files. I heard mod authors aren't interested in including a DGA version until the 1.6 Stardew release. Unfortunately, that means I'll be sticking to the Json version lol!

SMAPI Parsed Log

I'm using the DGA version of PPJA's mods. (I am using the DGA version specifically so it doesn't interfere with other IDs.)

There are a few items that don't show up in game and the log says "No Output found for X" when I have downloaded all of PPJA's files?? Am I doing something wrong? ;__; I also noticed some of the Mail Framework Mod warnings were because some of the items in the PPJA mod have been renamed in the DGA version? So IDK if I should go through and fix it manually or if someone knows what to do?

The Love of Cooking mod warns about "Removing 392 malformed recipes." which I am unsure what that means? I think I have everything required downloaded?

(Ignore the unrelated warnings/errors, I know what's wrong with them lol)

Can anyone help?

EDIT: After trying to use the CJB Item Spawner, it seems the PPJA machines aren't even registering in the game even though the files are definitely in their folders...
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