Any helpful villagers out there?

This farmer is a bit of a reclusive, so he doesn't talk to people he haven't met.
So far he have met Robin, Lewis, Clint, Marnie, Emily and -> Jas for some reason I don't understand. They all came to see me.
I barged in to Willy's to get the fishing rod and snuck in to Wizard for the CC.
Demetrius will come knocking on my door any minute for the cave. So these are the people I know.

I saw Haley and was awestruck, so I chatted to her.
Ok, will marry Haley sometime first year, only because she makes the best breakfasts ever.

Then after that, I will befriend Caroline to learn how to make tea saplings.
What other villagers are "helpful" in terms of making money? Or other good things?

Are there other cutscenes I forgot that make me "know" these people?
I think Linus got one, but then my mind goes blank.
Are there other cutscenes I forgot that make me "know" these people?
I might have forgotten some others, but you will also get the following NPC cutscenes automatically, regardless of friendship

Evelyn will visit you at the farmhouse the day after the Greenhouse is repaired, to give you a crafting recipe

Pierre will visit you at the farmhouse near the end of Y1, to tell you about new seeds he'll be stocking in Y2

Kent will introduce himself at your door on the first day of Y2, having been absent throughout Y1

The cutscene with Jas at the sewer, referencing the rusty key and usually triggered in your first Spring unless you have been avoiding the forest, also included meeting Vincent

What other villagers are "helpful" in terms of making money?
None of them are particularly helpful in that regard

Lew Zealand

No, just Caroline if you're looking for g in early game. I used to give Daffodils to Haley and Emily to start but nowadays I save them for after Caroline gets to 2 :heart:.

First play Caroline simp simulator, then Stardew Valley.
Most of the villagers will send recipes and gifts in the mail. The gifts can be sold. If you want the Cook Everything achievement or eventually True Perfection, you will need every recipe. I think full hearts are also required for Perfection.
Vincent and Jas have a friendship cutscene that increases the quality and value of spring onions.
Some of the friendship quests give cash rewards. After Introductions, the quest to give a gift has a small payment, as do the villagers mail requests for various produce and other items.
Friendships do help toward 4 candles on grandpa's evaluation, which earns the purple cat statue that spits out iridium ore every day. So that's one way to make money from friendships.