
  1. Issue SVE - Grandpa's Farm - Clipping Textures on Bushes

    Hey everyone! I reinstalled Stardew Valley with a fair few mods, including Grandpa's Farm, and I'm seeing these clipping textures (they flicker between infront and behind) on some bushes by the fences. (Here's the SMAPI log!) I was wondering if anyone had a similar issue and new what it may...
  2. thatotterthing

    Otter's Coop Animals [Content Patcher] & [Alternative Textures] 1.0

    Click Here for alternative textures version Disclaimer: Please don't re-upload or re-distribute or edit/trace over my Mod/ Sprites and especially not behind a paywall! It would be very disrespectful of my efforts and work plus it's not a nice thing to do. This was done just so I could practice...