
  1. KeySmasher

    QOL: Actions be divided into categories such that holding RMB completes only the same category of action as the initial action

    Case in point, you made it so that holding RMB no longer picks up the crab pots if the action started out as collecting from them. Lets shift all right-click actions into categories such that you are either collecting from machines (crab pots included), harvesting crops (which may use the scythe...
  2. KeySmasher

    QOL: Changes to combat mechanic for keyboard and mouse

    The aim method with the mouse currently requires you to keep the mouse close to your character in order to change the direction of his attack without having to press a movement key. This range needs to be extended to like at least half of the screen dimensions. Also, if the cursor is too close...
  3. Fairy Box Recolor Option

    With one of the latest patches, the fairy from the Fairy Box Trinket has many colors, but we are currently stuck using whatever one the game gives to us. I would like to be able to recolor the fairy box, perhaps with a dye or something, in order to use the other variants! I am stuck with the...
  4. Fruit tree transplanting

    I see a lot of new players planting fruit trees in locations that won't allow it to grow. I was spurred on to post this after seeing a person on the stardew valley subreddit post the attached image. Since the tree is in an invalid location, it will get stuck at one of the earlier growth stages...
  5. SMAPI Item Quality Indicator 1.0.2

    Item Quality Indicator Current Version: 1.0.2 Features Draws the quality indicator for items when: They are collected You have caught a new fish Examples Collected New fish Known Issues Quality indicator does not update as you pick up more of the same item
  6. Suggestion: Endgame QOL changes

    I'm getting towards the end of the game content and approaching my golden clock purchase. I know this has been mentioned but a way to use the hopper or an extractor to pull items would be amazing. I would be cool with this removing chest space in the hopper so the advantage of the machine is...
  7. List of small but impactful suggestions (up to v1.5.2) [SPOILER]

    I compiled a personal list of suggestions I would like to see in the basegame. Most of them are small tweaks which, in my opinion, would greatly improve the already positive game experience. They are up to the current version 1.5.1. So be aware, the list may contain spoilers. It is ok if none...
  8. Hani

    Option to prevent mouse cursor position from affecting the direction of 'x' and 'c' inputs

    Hey, sometimes I like to play one handed with only the keyboard "controller style" and if the mouse cursor is far from the player it works fine, but if the mouse cursor is near the player it will affect how they keyboard inputs will work. For instance if I'm south of a berry bush and click on x...
  9. Switch Destroying rather than harvesting your plants

    This is either a QOL issue or a bug but it's really irritating. I keep destroying my plants when I'm trying to harvest them. On the switch your main buttons are Y and A. You press Y to harvest a crop, but also to use your tool. If you have your tool highlighted in your tool bar and you are not...