
  1. Windows Incorrect Spouse Path Finding

    Hello, Apologies if this has already been reported. I didn't see it but it's likely I just missed it. When I entered my home, I noticed my spouse was following a strange path. See attached image. I have no mods installed. I have upgraded to the cellar but I haven't added any of the additional...
  2. robinspi

    Question Getting started with NPC pathing changes

    Hello, I'm currently running a heavily modded setup (415 mods, with 103 patching game code!) and things largely work, to my amazement. But now I am having some trouble with Stardew Valley Expanded, where the two Joja-Mart employee NPCs walk straight down out of the bus, walk through the sign...
  3. Tukis J

    My many sugestions for the quality of life update 🔸🔷(1.5.6)🔷🔸

    -Another quality of life would be able the change clothes when we are using the drawer, another one making it the player can use glasses and as well a hat at the same time -There is like this bug idk it has happened when I play on the switch version that when I walk past a sprinkler (the ones...
  4. BlaDe

    Protecting your machines in the desert on Fall 15

    1.5 included a change that sends Emily to the desert on Fall 15, where she and Sandy walk around different locations in the desert, destroying anything that gets in their way. This is a problem for players who use the desert as their personal factory floor or winery. Players with mass...
  5. PC [Bug] Game crashes day after vault bundle unlocks

    I started a vanilla game on the beach farm a week ago, and got to year 2 Spring when I was able to complete the vault bundle that unlocks the bus. The day after (I think the 19th), I am able to do work on the farm as normal until about 10am when the game crashes, upon investigating a little bit...